08. 03. 2021
Twitter can definitely educate the Android Developer you are. It is as easy as to follow the right people and then just checking their regular insights in your feed.
The only thing that remains is how to choose the right people. And we can try to help you with that. With the help of our Android developers, we’ve put together THE list.

We have chosen only active accounts of famous devs you shouldn’t miss out on and even not-so-famous ones worth of your feed.
Why did we choose these names? Because these all-around-world Android developers are not only experts but super complex human beings.
They also:
a) do public speaking
b) volunteer in e.g. the Peace Corps
c) create hackathons for children
d) are self-taught programmers
e) and support the community.
Important thing is, you’ll have your daily supply of what’s new in very immense Android universe only by following these people.
List of Twitter accounts of Android dev definitely worth checking out
Juhani Lehtimäki @lehtimaeki
Android Lead at @snappmobile_io
If you want to read more by @lehtimaeki check his Medium blog: Android UI Patterns.
I see a lot of similarities with Apple fandom and Tesla fandom.
From Discover on Google https://t.co/ieljvA2EyV
— Juhani Lehtimäki (@lehtimaeki) August 31, 2019
Kseniia Shumelchyk @KseniiaS
Developer Advocate at @Google
@KseniiaS is also a manager for the Ukrainian branch of @Womentechmakers supporting women to join the industry.
All Google #io19 sessions are now available online ???? https://t.co/JTsw95k9AY
— Kseniia Shumelchyk (@KseniiaS) May 11, 2019
Rebecca Franks @riggaroo
Senior Android Engineer at the design graphic app Over
@riggaroo is also a volunteer Android Developer at non-profit organization Book Dash which creates free African storybooks for everyone.
Android Canvas Drawing: Useful Graphics Classes & Operations #AndroidDev https://t.co/n4zrhw1kew pic.twitter.com/72qOivNVPi
— Rebecca Franks (@riggaroo) August 10, 2019
Meghan Mehta @adressyengineer
Developer Advocate at @Google
Among a lot of public speaking and coding, @adressyengineer takes care of marketing for @violet_society– startup sisterhood for future founders.
Woot!!! So excited to visit Baroda!!! https://t.co/KR87Y4b8WR
— Meghan @ #droidconNYC (@adressyengineer) September 2, 2019
Dan Lew @danlew42
Software Developer at @Trello
Member of Technical Staff at @Atlassian
@danlew42 shares a lot of personal insights and enlarges also on Android coding on his blog.
Signs you have a 10x developer in the office: high productivity, runes scrawled on the ideation wall in blood, regularly discovering other developers drained into empty husks.
— Dan Lew (@danlew42) August 5, 2019
We, at SKOUMAL, share Dan’s passion for Trello, too. Trello is actually how we get work done.
Lyla Fujiwara @CeruleanOtter
Android Developer Advocate at @Google
@CeruleanOtter used to teach computer science for Peace Corps in Rwanda, worked for Udacity, and now she is a Noogler, newbie at Google.
Exited to be speaking at #DCNYC19 at the end of the month! Come learn how to get started with accessibility for Android. https://t.co/Qvqv4nuf4Q
— Lyla Fujiwara (@CeruleanOtter) August 5, 2019
Amit Shekhar @amitiitbhu
Co-Founder at @MindOrks
@amitiitbhu’s article on how he transformed himself into a software engineer was among the top Medium featured stories.
Very important learning for me in the last few years:
Learn a new thing when it actually required. Do not just learn to learn. Because when you actually implement in a project, you get the deep knowledge of that.#AndroidDev #developers #Entrepreneurs #coder #programmer #skills— Amit Shekhar (@amitiitbhu) August 31, 2019
Sean McQuillan @objcode
Android Developer at @Google
@objcode is also involved in a kid’s self-directed hackathon for future hackers.
Android will now be numbered in base29.
Also new logo! https://t.co/b8Ctwwc3sn
— Sean McQuillan [On Vacation] (@objcode) August 22, 2019
Zarah Dominguez @zarahjutz
Android Developer at WooliesX
On her blog on Android coding, @zarahjutz calls herself a baking noob having Android love affair.
I wrote about the tools we built into our app to help with everyday debugging:
???? Feature Toggles – https://t.co/q1OMHaK2Iu
???? Stacktraces – https://t.co/fdwf1AWgq3
???? Preferences – https://t.co/cNxmH33dv5
???? Logs – https://t.co/eUBY4p0nVZ
???? Showcases – https://t.co/J9Lsn596j7— Zarah Dominguez ???? (@zarahjutz) July 21, 2019
Valera Zakharov @valera_zakharov
Staff Engineer at @SlackHQ
Before Slack, @valera_zakharov used to work at Google and Microsoft.
I've heard skepticism about code coverage as a code health indicator and I agree that it's no panacea. But I'd be surprised if you wouldn't want to know which classes in your codebase have no coverage; especially if you normalize the data with complexity, churn and usage stats.
— Valera Zakharov (@valera_zakharov) July 31, 2019
Joanna Smith @dontmesswithjo
Developer Advocate for @gsuite, @Google
@dontmesswithjo is a devoted advocate for GSuite, presenting her Android coding on her Medium blog.
Yesssss I love this chatbot series. (@pvergadia is pretty cool, too. ????) https://t.co/bVnWZDBDff
— Joanna Smith (@dontmesswithjo) June 29, 2019
Reto Meier @retomeier
Head of Scalable Developer Advocacy at @Google
@retomeier is not only an Android Professional, but he has also written a series of books on Professional Android.
Reading this ongoing thread from @VPoltrack, as she shares her translations of the abstract CS terms and concepts she's learning, into beautiful illustrations fills me with a special joy. Thanks for sharing Virginia! https://t.co/Whm7BFsulp
— Reto Meier (@retomeier) July 3, 2019
Nick Butcher @crafty
UX Manager and Developer Advocate at @Google
@crafty is also heavily followed on GitHub.
Video recording of @chrisbanes & my “Developing Themes with Style” talk is now available: https://t.co/ach3Qsse2n
Understand the difference between themes & styles and how to wield them effectively. #AndroidDev
— Nick Butcher (@crafty) August 22, 2019
Yiğit Boyar @yigitboyar
Staff Software Engineer at @Google, currently working on Android UI Toolkit
According to his blog with 7 articles written in 4 years, @yigitboyar hates waiting or doing nothing. He is probably up to something and therefore not writing the blog. Anyway, he is much more active on his Twitter.
This was a great talk to watch, highly recommended! https://t.co/3qdfwmHO01
— Yigit Boyar (@yigitboyar) August 3, 2019
Huyen Tue Dao @queencodemonkey
@Google Developer Expert for Android, Member of Technical Staff at @Atlassian
@queencodemonkey co-created YouTube channel for Android Community.
Excited to go to the #AndroidDevSummit where we'll have awesome conversations with people in the Android community. Come join the Android team and fellow Android devs for two days of terrific talks.
Register here and let's have some great dialogs! → https://t.co/qYRtQIM5zR pic.twitter.com/ncrcubpxzy
— Huyen Tue Dao (@queencodemonkey) August 6, 2019
Jeroen Mols @molsjeroen
Lead Android Developer at @PhilipsHueDev
@molsjeroen is also @Google Developer Expert for Android*. In 2017, his Android blog was the 12th most influential Android blog worldwide.
Here's what I learned #leading a team at #philipshue these past years ????https://t.co/BIPlQP9F6T
It's an open, honest post about the rough ride we had, mistakes I made and how I grew from these experiences. Wasn't easy to write so I'm curious about what you think! #androiddev pic.twitter.com/R4fbgagZne
— Jeroen Mols (@molsjeroen) August 7, 2019
*an individual recognized by Google for their tech knowledge and skills
Florina Muntenescu @FMuntenescu
Android Developer Advocate at @Google
@FMuntenescu advocates also on her blog.
Until Google Translate is able to do Java to #Kotlin, learn how to translate it by yourself, idiomatically, with a new codelab!
We didn’t stop with the translation here – we also have the codelab available in Chinese ????????and Brazilian ????????
Check it out here:https://t.co/06PHtPa4vt pic.twitter.com/s6FU1QcKw7
— Florina Muntenescu (@FMuntenescu) July 17, 2019
Kristin Marsicano @kristinmars
Senior Engineering Manager at @bignerdranch
@kristinmars has also co-written the book Android Programming.
Great post by a great person. Check out @bryndsey thoughts on a new way to set Activity and Fragment layouts with AndroidX. #android https://t.co/froRYRy2FD
— Kristin Marsicano (@kristinmars) August 28, 2019
Ian Lake @ianhlake
Software Engineer working on the Android UI Toolkit team at @Google
@ianhlake used to work at Facebook and Boeing.
Good news everyone: Biometric 1.0.0-beta01 was released today! https://t.co/fVQDx6JjeM
— Ian Lake (@ianhlake) August 29, 2019
Chiu-Ki Chan @chiuki
runs her own development company
@chiuki had been working at @Google for 6 years, now she is a Developer Expert for Android, a co-producer of Youtube channel AndroidDialogs and also a devoted public speaker on Android issues. If you love reading more personalized stuff, check out her blog.
A.I. for Artists by @BookHutt at @gdgboulder #sketchnotes pic.twitter.com/sE4tN8PyNc
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) August 28, 2019
Annyce Davis @brwngrldev
Software Group Lead at @ZOLAElectric
@brwngrldev also belongs among Android @Google Developer Experts, creating videos, blog posts, and conference talks for the Developers Community. She worked in The Washington Post and is a passionate public speaker and traveler.
Hang out at @droidconNYC today. Hoping to find the next group of #Android and #iOS developers to join our team. If you're here, come say hi ????????#DCNYC19 pic.twitter.com/pq2ndr2sNW
— Annyce Davis (@brwngrldev) August 26, 2019
Kaan Mamikoglu @kaanmamikoglu
Software Engineer at @Facebook
@kaanmamikoglu is not only a @Google Developer Expert for Firebase but also an international speaker and traveler.
Saying hi ???? to the next evolution of @Android. The new look is more modern and accessible, love it!https://t.co/ak8qD5veOI
In other news, @Android's iconic dessert names are going away, starting with Android 10… not sure how I feel about that: https://t.co/xBRNAQ1mQ7 #Android— Kaan Mamikoglu (@kaanmamikoglu) August 22, 2019
This Twitter list is a part of our onboarding recommendation for new Android devs along with these two articles:
TOP Czech & Slovak Android devs to follow for daily hacks on Twitter
What is expected from true Androidist
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